Ryan has on Holly Wilt to discuss Trump's directive to rescind protections for transgendered students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. They also discuss non discrimination in being able to purchase goods and services. Finally, they end with the latest in the sad story of a professional provocateur who should've watched and took a lesson from Bambi. It's a great show with a great partner!
Cody Linklater talks with Ryan about his dream of moving to a land far, far away and how the perspective of living abroad has shaped his view of America. They also discuss the importance of people uniting under one language and the current political climate back in the states.
Kai McFarlane talks to Ryan about growing up as a Jehovah's Witness as well as his current belief in what he refers to as "The Spirit". Ryan asks if it's reasonable to believe the claims of self-proclaimed psychics and mediums.