
Reason Bound

Recording from Tokyo, I have on guests to discuss social issues, politics, and what's happening in the world. It's not what people believe, but why they believe it that I find most interesting.
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Reason Bound







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Nov 15, 2017

Manny Militello, whose speciality is in international consulting related to the middle east, rejoins Ryan in the second part of their War and Peace series to discuss the increasing isolationism of the United States in today's world. They discuss the country's isolationism historically from colonial days until the start of the second World War and its seeming return in a new way in modern times. Manny shares his thoughts on isolationism v.s. interventionism and the consequences of going too far in either direction. Another discussed resurgence from a past era is the "America First" narrative we've seen again under Trump. Other topics covered include progress made in U.S. society over the years, a unilateral foreign policy, a Brit's perspective on Hillary Clinton, what countries act as global and regional hegemons, and the League of Nations.

Oct 22, 2017

Joe Schmitt discusses an article in Psychology Today with Ryan about the effects of violent media on behavior. By age 9 Joe had been exposed to and consumed media with violent content in the form of video games and films such as Saving Private Ryan. It was also at this young age he was told the combination to his household's gun safe. We discuss the environment Joe grew up in, what he was taught about guns, his school's reaction to a creative writing paper, and being careful about jumping to single variables as the major factor in trying to explain the cause of violent behavior. Other topics include the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas and the difference in gun ownership in the U.S. compared with Japan. Ending on a lighter note and with Halloween approaching, they discuss Joe's top 5 most terrifying games to play.

Sep 24, 2017

The Red Pill documentary by Cassie Jaye is one of the more controversial documentary films to be recently released. It's caused such an uproar that Netflix has refused to carry it.
From the official synopsis reads: "When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs. The Red Pill chronicles Cassie Jaye’s journey exploring an alternate perspective on gender equality, power and privilege."
At Holly's request, Ryan watched the documentary so they could discuss the contents of the film. In this episode they cover The Red Pill documentary, the decision Holly made in whether or not to circumcise her infant, as well as the strange reasons people will give for defending barbaric practices such as the genital mutilation of girls and boys, amongst other topics. 

Aug 30, 2017

Kai McFarlane joins Ryan to talk about felons owning firearms and having the right to vote. They also discuss Trump's Tweets, The Rock running for President, and a classic scenario dealing with how people view morality. The show starts off with Kai sharing his latest venture into studying "gay reincarnation" which leads to a spirited discussion between the two.

Aug 8, 2017

Raqib Hameed Naik spent most of his life in Kashmir before moving to India where he works as a journalist writing on human conflict and human rights related issues. He speaks with Ryan in this episode about the Indian administered regions of Kashmir: Kashmir Valley, Jammu, and Ladakh, which are in the northernmost region of the Indian subcontinent. Control of this part of the world remains a contentious issue between India and Pakistan. Recent developments have included the possibility of the U.S. or China stepping in to act as an arbiter in an attempt to solve this geopolitical issue that is affecting the lives of many Indians, Pakistanis, and Kashmiris. Now, as of June 26th 2017, the U.S. Department of State has named Syed Salahudeen (also known as Syed Mohammed Yusuf Shah), who is the head of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (a Kashmiri separatist and designated Islamic terrorist group by India, the United States, and the European Union), as a specially designated global terrorist. Ryan asks Raqib about Syed Salahudeen's reported comments to turn Kashmir Valley into a "graveyard for Indian forces" as well as what Raqib's ideas are on the diaspora of Kashmiris and his desire for a plebiscite to be held. As a Muslim who grew up alongside Hindus and wants to see Kashmir become an independent and secular country, Raqib provides an interesting perspective on the current state of affairs in Kashmir. 

Jul 25, 2017

Holly and Ryan debate Disneyland's decision to remove the "wench auction" from the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. They then discuss Ryan learning gun safety and who he was aiming at during the process. Most importantly, and as a mother, Holly talks with Ryan about the importance of nonviolent parenting and reasoning with children instead of inflicting abuse that will continue to take a toll on them later in life. Other topics in this episode include forced vaccinations and a discussion about when NPR recently tweeted the Declaration of Independence for the Fourth of July and the furious response from certain people. 

Jun 13, 2017

Award winning British journalist and court reporter, Charles Thomson, returns to the Reason Bound podcast to talk with Ryan for the anniversary of the Michael Jackson trial verdict. Charles has written articles on the enigmatic superstar for news outlets such as Huffington Post and has been quoted in books about the iconic performer's life. For the first time ever, from start to finish, Charles talks with Ryan about the most controversial aspect of the pop icon's life in a three hour show beginning with the allegations from 1993 and going through the end of his 2005 trial. This is a podcast about recognizing good and bad arguments as well as a discussion between Ryan and Charles about the Jackson trial being the first time both realized how recklessly dishonest and lazy the media could be in reporting on certain events.

May 27, 2017

Holly joins Ryan to talk about a recent time when Ryan wasn't reason bound. Is it a good idea to date a guy who tells you he loves you and wants to commit to a serious relationship on the first night and asks for jewelry the next time you meet? Probably not. Pay attention to red flags and make sure you don't get suckered into something that's as false as the love you'll be promised. Some people only love themselves and that tends to become apparent over time (and in this case pretty quickly). 

Apr 19, 2017

Stephanie Drury who runs the popular Facebook page "Stuff Christian Culture Likes" talks with Ryan in this episode about "Christian Culture". Topics include the love affair with so-called "Daddy-Daughter Dates" as well as MANLY evangelical leaders such as Marc Driscoll and Eric Dykstra and the messages they deliver to their congregants. Most importantly, they talk about what it felt like to question everything they thought they knew about their once held theology and where they ended up as a result.

Apr 1, 2017

Award winning British journalist and court reporter, Charles Thomson, talks with Ryan about how crucial it is to preserve the presumption of innocence in a just society. In this episode they address bizarre musings from Dr. Jackson Katz, such as asserting there is in fact a victim upon the accuser's claim before a crime has been proved to have occurred. They also discuss the controversy surrounding the film The Birth of a Nation and director Nate Parker's alleged rape allegations as well as the fallout from the Ched Evans acquittal of similar charges and how that's shaping policy in Britain.

Mar 26, 2017

For many Americans, European society is seen as the model that American society should aspire to. In this episode, Ryan speaks with Mari Buljo who is a Norwegian citizen, college student, model, and speaker of 7 different languages whom he met during his studies in Japan. Ryan and Mari discuss Norway, currently ranked as the world's happiest country, and the contrast with Nordic values in education, religion, and social welfare (among others), compared with those in the states.

Mar 5, 2017

During his studies in Tokyo, Ryan met Manny Militello, a man with a great mind for international relations, who is currently working in consulting related to The Middle East and North Africa. In this episode, some of the main issues Ryan and Manny discuss include Obama’s legacy in the Middle East, the Syrian Civil War, ISIS, the utility of certain narratives on terrorism, and refugee assimilation in the west.

Feb 25, 2017

Ryan has on Holly Wilt to discuss Trump's directive to rescind protections for transgendered students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. They also discuss non discrimination in being able to purchase goods and services. Finally, they end with the latest in the sad story of a professional provocateur who should've watched and took a lesson from Bambi. It's a great show with a great partner! 

Feb 10, 2017

Cody Linklater talks with Ryan about his dream of moving to a land far, far away and how the perspective of living abroad has shaped his view of America. They also discuss the importance of people uniting under one language and the current political climate back in the states.

Feb 1, 2017

Kai McFarlane talks to Ryan about growing up as a Jehovah's Witness as well as his current belief in what he refers to as "The Spirit". Ryan asks if it's reasonable to believe the claims of self-proclaimed psychics and mediums.

Jan 20, 2017

The first episode of the Reason Bound Podcast! Live from Tokyo and Oregon, Ryan and Holly talk about a survey of issues that include extremism, entertainment, and the importance of trying for friendship instead of attempting to find fault in others.