Award winning British journalist, Charles Thomson, returns to Reason Bound to discuss state-sponsored executions, also known as "capital punishment" or "the death penalty". As many nations across the world move toward a greater level of civility, there are still countries where the state has the authority to demonstrate murder is wrong by murdering. Charles talks with Ryan about the inherent hypocrisy of the death penalty and discusses the cases of Nathaniel Woods, Troy Davis, and George Stinney Jr., among others. The lasting question will be: What does this add to our humanity?
Holly Wilt returns to Reason Bound to talk with Ryan about principles involving animal rights, suffering, and factory farming amongst others. In his teens Ryan went vegetarian before going vegan. In this episode he has an open and honest conversation with Holly, a former vegetarian, about the ethics of consuming animals. Also, the baby spider story is finally told in what was an epic moment in the saga of Holly and Ryan's friendship.
Cody Linklater returns to Reason Bound to have a calm, cool, and collected discussion with Ryan about their differing views on guns. When, if at all, should the 2nd Amendment be limited? Should the US look to other countries and adopt their gun control and safety policies? Other topics include encountering nazis and escalating violence, the importance of mental health, and the police.
Jarvis Simmons joins Ryan for a discussion on representation in film. Specifically, they take a look back at Marvel's "Black Panther" and why that was such a pivotal moment for pop culture. Other topics include different racial interpretations of established characters, new stories featuring characters not seen as the norm, and the debate of our time: Iron Man VS Batman.
Nick Hodge comes on Reason Bound to join Ryan in person. They throw down a few drinks while discussing flag burning, dating, and religion. It's a spirited conversation that looks at behavior, rules, and regulations about laws concerning the treatment of a country's national flag. Another topic as yet discussed on the podcast is how each feels about dating someone if they have fairly different religious beliefs than themselves. It's an Aussie invasion and one of the best!
Ryan's childhood friend, Aaron Adair, joins Reason Bound to talk about race relations in the United States and specifically his experiences being viewed as a black man. After the initial recording, events surrounding the death of George Floyd took place which prompted Ryan and Aaron to record an additional hour to add on. Other topics include riots, police encounters, privilege, and marginalized groups.
Holly Wilt returns to Reason Bound to discuss sex and love. Holly and Ryan discuss the throes of love and delve into that which is considered temporary compared with everlasting. A study about how people reignite the passion from earlier times in their relationships, love between friends, and passionate vs compassionate love are topics also discussed.
Ryan talks with Tej Singh about his time in South Korea and Japan. Tej shares thoughts on the differences in lifestyle, business, relationships, and the point many expats reach where they return to their country of origin. Some, however, seem to wander abroad forever...
Former combat medicine technician, Michael Hubbard, returns to discuss the recent pandemic. Regardless of how bad things become with coronavirus, it's crucial to be prepared for devastating events that have the potential to change people's way of life. Mike and Ryan discuss obvious and not so obvious items to have in the case of an emergency, the state of politics in the US, and people's social awareness as we head into whatever future awaits.
Not all press is good press and these days most of it isn't. Award winning British journalist, Charles Thomson, returns to the Reason Bound podcast to speak with Ryan about media and politics. Topics include figures and movements led by those such as Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, and how the concept of "Fake News" is interpreted and propagated. If you want to change media, this is the prime discussion to get the paper rolling.
Joe Schmitt and Ryan discuss societal issues centered on drinking in the U.S. compared with Japan.